water underfloor heating system

Becoming an energy efficient home should be a goal of installing wet underfloor heating. Many residential areas in Europe, especially in the UK, use this popular installation of underfloor heating. The underfloor heating system will then heat the room from the bottom up through a series of plastic pipes with manifolds. Warm water from the kettle will continue to flow into a series of plastic pipes with heat that a thermostat control.

The thermostat keeps the temperature consistent so that warmth continues to spread throughout the property. This heating system also uses other heat sources such as renewable energy from solar panels.

However, there are also those who make this underfloor heating system work using radiators. Radiators can heat the air above and around them. After some time, the heat temperature increases much higher so that the heat becomes uneven on the floor.

Good wet underfloor heating is one that can make the area under the floor have no cold spots so that heat distribution can be even. So, what things can we consider before finally switching to wet underfloor heating?

Wet Underfloor Heating Costs are Affordable for Everyone

Electricity tariffs increase every year. There are many factors behind the reasons for the increase. One of them is the use of increasingly scarce fossil fuels to power electricity systems in many regions. Meanwhile, if you use the wet underfloor heating system, you will be able to save on your electricity bill every month regardless of the electricity tariff in your area.

Anyways, you may have discovered the advantages of wet underfloor heating compared to electric systems. Operating costs of an electric system can be up to 4 times higher than wet underfloor heating or radiators. We will see the cost of electricity per kilowatt hour which has now reached almost 40p. You can calculate how much your electricity bill will be each year if it’s autumn or winter, right?

However, the wet underfloor heating that utilizes a heat pump will not be that expensive to operate. This system is also good for you to apply in rooms that you frequently visit, such as the bedroom, family room, and kitchen.

Installing Wet Underfloor Heating in New Building

wet underfloor heating installation

Many people who build property nowadays have planned to install wet underfloor heating when working on the building structure. They know that the cost of installing underfloor heating is much less when we build a new building. This cheaper cost is based on the level of ease of installation by technicians when initially constructing a new one. Meanwhile, changing an old heating system in a house that has been around for years requires big costs.

However, if you need to install this heating system in your old house in order to get a closer approach towards sustainable living, economical, and safe, you have to do that. There are currently many companies that deal with smart homes or smart offices that can help their customers to get the best heating system at a very affordable price and of course safe.

Some of their products such as heat pumps, thermostats, and supporting valves are even able to compete with well-known brands. Heating system installation costs range from $2,000 to $5,000 for new build properties. You only need to discuss with the company regarding the building area and conditions around it so that there is more definite follow up.

Wet Underfloor Heating Installation System and Labor Costs

Even though there are so many do it yourself video tutorials for installing underfloor heating systems, you still need technicians to do the work. The equipment and products you will use can be very safe, such as heating products from Legom. It is safe and meets world safety standards. But sometimes those of you who are amateurs apply it wrong.

You must leave all the work to experts. Wherever you live, labor costs can vary. There are laborers who apply hourly costs. Then, there are also those who prefer to apply costs for the whole project package.

Sometimes as a property owner you also ask workers to do additional tasks like taking care of dangling cables, adding water connection pipes somewhere, or adding insulation in a number of areas. You also need to consider the additional labor costs for these additional tasks.

The Durability of Wet Underfloor Heating

Wet underfloor heating is a heating system that can last a very long time. The pipes and manifolds that this system uses under the floor can even last more than 20 years.

As long as you hand over the installation of the heating system to an expert, you will be able to get a heating system that will last a long time, get guaranteed state protection, and can easily make a claim against the insurance provider if a leak occurs that is beyond your fault.

Pipes that have a flexible design without joints can also be easily adjusted by technicians according to the installation area. They can bend the pipes as needed. The percentage of leaks occurring is small, anyway. However, if a leak occurs, you will be able to easily repair it. Therefore, you have to do a little maintenance maybe once or twice a year to see whether the wet underfloor heating system inside your property can still work well or not.

Legom as a manufacturer of HVAC system equipment specifically for smart homes provides options you cannot refuse. We guarantee that all products, from heat pumps, thermostats to the smallest parts like valves, can make it easier to install an HVAC system in your property.

We always find technological innovations that make customers in more than 90 countries always choose our products without objection. They have proven for themselves how installing a heating, cooling, air ventilation system in a home or office can actually be that safe. The work is also fast and you can really rely on the standards we use.

So, what about joining us as a partner together with more than 400 partners around the world now?

wet underfloor heating supplier