
Legom News

Minimize Installation Failures by Using Boiler Installation Services

A boiler is a device used to heat water to a specific temperature. Boilers produce hot steam used for room heating systems or as a hot water provider for various industrial applications. A boiler works by heating water using fuel, such as gas, oil, biomass, and...

Sustainable Heating Solutions That You Can Apply Right Now

We all need to be environmentally conscious consumers this year and in the years to come. After all, we want sustainable living to be part of a healthier lifestyle, right? Zero carbon is a global community project that we can start from our own homes. There are...

Variable Air Volume Systems for Energy Savings

In this article, we would like to share about our experience in designing HVAC system. Between HVAC professionals, especially in designing an HVAC system of a building, it is common to discuss about VAV. What is a VAV? variable air volume (VAV) systems are a type of...

Underfloor Heating Systems Installation Options

Those living in four-season countries are very familiar with underfloor heating systems. Many won’t rent a building unless it has a functional system. Underfloor heating systems are essential for surviving extreme temperatures. When installing or replacing a system,...

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Underfloor Heating in Russia to Combat Winter Extremes

Underfloor heating or подогрев пола in Russia has slowly become a popular method for its efficiency and even heat distribution. The location of the device is underneath the floor, which suits the name given. Do you know how cold is Russia? This country is known for...

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