Understanding How Cold is the UK and Its Temperature Difference

So many students who are ready for student exchange ask how cold is the UK? UK average temperature ranges from 9.3 °C-15.4°C in March-May, 18.1 °C-20.6°C in June-August, 17.5 °C-9.5°C in September-November, and 0°C to 7°C in December-February. When moving to another place, we have to adapt. People should prepare the things they need and eliminate some unimportant things.

Seasonal differences in this country are not drastic. Some other countries experience so much more than this country. The big difference lies only between the two extreme seasons, summer and winter. This country has four seasons, with approximately 90 days long for each season. However, sometimes nature just doesn’t follow the timeline, one season could overlap with another.

How Cold is the UK and What is the General Environmental Condition

Although it is challenging to make a static general statement, a rough one can be made. This information was gathered 20 years ago just to give a rough illustration.

Spring (Runs in March-May)

Spring in this country is like a brand-new world after the icy temperature from the previous season. With the temperature that ranges from 9.3 °C to 15.4 °C, every frozen object will start to melt. The environment gets warmer with the day length being 11 to 15 hours. The plants start their lives again. However, some areas might be still wet, so don’t care while walking.

Summer (Runs in June-August)

Based on the literature, summer in the UK is dry and hot. In real life, it is hot but rains occasionally. The temperature ranges from 18.1 °C to 20.6 °C with the highest being 30 °C (sometimes happens and rarely reaches above it). The daylight is about 16 to 17 hours long, people like to spend the time to go on vacation to the beaches. No wonder, in mid-June, businesses are so busy.

Autumn (Runs in September–November)

This season is the bridge between summer and winter. The temperature is getting colder, ranges from 17.5 °C to 9.5 °C. In this season, people prepare the clothes and the food stock for winter. From the middle of the season to the end, the UK is windy and wet. The daylight hours are 10 up to 14 hours in a day.

Winter (Runs in December-February)

This is the peak of the cold that the temperature could range from 0°C to 7°C. Tor harsh winter, it cannot be predicted but of course, is colder than the common winter. The daylight is no more than 10 hours per day. Sometimes snow falls so it is important to prepare the tools to protect cars or other vehicles. Coldness could disturb the machine’s work. By having good preparation, people can overcome the troubles that might happen.

As mentioned before there is no fixed timeline, in November (not winter) the condition could be like winter. However, it happens not in a long time and doesn’t always happen. In case it happens, it is no longer a surprise.

How Cold is the UK and What Heating System do They Use

Central heating is how UK families heat the environment during the cold season. It means one spot or device is the source, then the heat will go to the whole building. By this definition, the system must consist of 3 main parts. The parts are the power source, the heating device, and the line system as the heat distributor.

The most popular type of central heating in the UK is the “wet floor heating system,” which uses hot water heated by a boiler and distributed through pipes to radiators throughout the building. Other heating options are available if the central heating system fails or is not preferred. With various heating technologies, the UK’s cold weather is manageable.


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