The European Parliament established the ecodesign directive to establish performance standards and increase the energy efficiency of a product. These are energy-related products or ErPs that can have a broad impact on the environment throughout their use. The reduction in energy use due to the ErP standard will have great potential to increase the use of renewable energy in the coming years.

The directions for ErP are ecodesign and energy labeling. Ecodesign is a way to determine environmental criteria for an energy product and how its minimum energy performance. Products that meet eco-design criteria will have the CE mark and be available in several outlets. The existence of ecodesign rules will be able to encourage innovation in other products to save energy.

This will motivate many producers to be able to develop new technology for the advancement of a product. The process of creating products with minimal waste and full energy efficiency. If it is a product such as electrical equipment then there should be a way to minimize energy waste. Standby power consumption when the equipment is off should not cause energy waste. If this happens then greenhouse gas emissions can increase.

Restrictions on the power consumption of electronic products when in standby and off modes are in the ecodesign law. The limits are strict enough that manufacturers can design equipment that can reduce electricity consumption.

Then energy-related products also have directions regarding energy labeling. Consumers will get information about the impact of products on the environment. When they buy a washing machine, freezer, tires, refrigerator, microwave, etc, they will look at the energy label. Then they can decide whether to buy the product or not after considering its energy rating.

Energy-Related Products with Ecodesign CE Mark

Ecodesign is a cutting-edge tool that can facilitate the circulation of energy-related products to various environments. Whether it is an environment that is familiar with renewable energy or a lay environment with high energy usage. All products with criteria that comply with ErP regulations will receive the CE mark. This mark will show consumers that the product meets all the mandatory requirements of the ecodesign instructions.

CE is an identification mark for products within the European Union. Suppliers can freely distribute various products with the CE mark within the EU. This product can have an impact on the surrounding environment by reducing electricity consumption. Then some products even can make further reductions in energy consumption. This is a more green-friendly product.

There are also sustainable products that fully utilize renewable energy in daily use. The impact of ecodesign in production throughout the world is very high. Other countries are starting to implement similar laws that will result in products with minimal waste and high levels of energy efficiency. It’s not just the environment that benefits from ecodesign’s direction on energy-related products.

Consumers will also spend less on electricity consumption each month for the use of heating, cooling, medical equipment, and other industrial products. For room thermostats and thermal actuators that comply with CE standards, you can contact us. Our products are designed to meet these rigorous standards, ensuring both energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Thermal Actuator OEM Factory in China

Energy Labeling on Energy-Related Products

Energy labeling on energy-related products uses a comparison scale from A to G. A indicates a sign that the product is most efficient. While the energy label G is the least efficient. From this label, it will be easier for consumers to determine more energy-efficient products for their home or office.

Products that have an energy label will be in the highest availability category. Suppliers would prefer to offer products with clear energy labels. Business competitors who do not follow energy-related product regulations will find it more difficult to get notice from consumers and suppliers. Meanwhile, producers whose products are on a less efficient scale also still have to struggle to increase their product ranking.

Some household equipment products with labels that are less efficient may have their target market. Product hunters may see the product in terms of its cheap price. However, if you want to be safe while using a product then you have to choose the most efficient one with the top energy label. This also concerns the safety of users in an environment.

The energy label contains information on a product’s energy consumption, features, and noise conditions while you are using the product. The producers of energy-saving products will always try to answer the challenges of developing more innovative products considering changing natural conditions, weather, and fuel availability.

Manufacturer of ERP Products

Jiaxing Legom Technology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer that always develops any kind of technology-based innovations. Our products will be the best choice for you who are looking for energy-related products that comply with European standards. We follow the rules for ecodesign and energy labels that will make the consumers feel safe always. We operate all of our products in more than 90 countries with more than 400 partners for global HVAC energy efficiency.

You can contact us to order our products that always support sustainable living today and in the future.