Water Heater T&P Valve wholesale supplier

The water heater T&P valve is an important part that deals with pressure and temperature. It is usually located either on the top or on the side of the water heating system. It is a safety component that will prevent the device from exploding. Likewise, it means that this component is rarely used (just in critical situations) but the absence of it is a danger.

The Illustration of the Water Heater T&P Valve Significance

When the body temperature is too cold, it might be hypothermia. Otherwise, when the body is too hot, it is familiar to call it fever. These two conditions have to be cured. Same with the device. Extreme temperatures can lead it to malfunction.

The water pressure also plays a significant role in human life. Almost every second, liquid is needed. Let’s mention the simplest things: having morning coffee, taking a shower, washing dishes, washing clothes, watering plants, etc. All those activities are supported by the pressure. If the pressure is too low, the water stream will be too slow. It’s okay for some activities, like pouring coffee into a cup. However, it will not work well for flushing and for showering.

If too low makes everything slow, too high pressure can cause damage. Balance and proportional amounts are the key. In the heating device, too high pressure and too hot can cause a bad explosion. Water heater T&P valve to the rescue, it prevents that bad incident.

The Work of the Water Heater T&P Valve

As the final defense line, this component has to be checked regularly by the professional. Although its work might not always be seen or run, this regular check is needed to make sure your system is in good guard. It works by relieving pressure and temperature. That is the main function.

The actual activity to achieve that purpose is by water discharging. It expands when the temperature is high. Otherwise, it contracts when the temperature goes down. The component keeps the balance of the hot tank’s temperature and pressure.

Water Heater T&P Valve Installation

Some components of the device come in pre-installed condition. This valve is not one of them. The component has sub-parts, some of them already installed. The T&P valve is installed on an inlet that is located on the side of the device. That inlet is permanently installed, while the valve is installed with a screw.

You have to install one more sub-part called the discharge tube. There is no reason to worry because the installation is not hard and doesn’t take a long time to do. For this small installation job, anyone can do it by themselves. Just screw the sub-part component onto the valve. You can do it manually and then tighten it with the help of a wrench. Control the tightness because too tight will break the valve. In installing this, the device doesn’t need to be shut down.

After it is well installed, make sure everything is in the right place by checking it. Then you can move on to the work checking. The checking activity is suggested to be done at the beginning of the installation and regularly after that.

First, put a bucket under the discharge tube, then check the attachment. Good attachment should be not too tight and not too loose. Adjust it with a wrench to gain the ideal tightness. Release water in small amounts into the bucket that you’ve prepared before.

Release the metal lever (that is used to release the water), and see the reaction. If the system is in good condition, the lever should be back to its original spot perfectly.

How Do I Know if My Water Heater T&P Valve is Bad?

To know if there is something wrong with the component, notice the signs from the device. This is very noticeable, so you just have to collect the evidence and quickly assume the component failure.


In doing the job, the component does leak the water. But the leakage is not so much. If the leakage is excessive, it’s time for you to fix it. The problem might be from the overheating liquid, or from the valve that loses its power to hold the water.


Every device produces a sound when working. When the device produces a different noise from the usual, that might be a failure. The specific noise for the valve issue is a sound that’s like a trapped water stream. It has a high-pitched voice like a whistle.


This one is separated from leakage, although basically, it’s the same (water comes out from the device). Flooding is so much more excessive and the liquid sprays. When this happens, it’s exactly something wrong. The first thing you can do to prevent a worse thing is quickly stop the water supply.