Is a 9kW Heat Pump Worth Buying

A 9kW heat pump is a temperature device that transfers heat. The difference between this device and similar devices lies in the kilowatt as the modifier. It refers to the output. The information doesn’t stop at that. There are fundamental aspects that build this device.

9kW Heat Pump’s Recent Popularity

Some devices have their popularity. This device is one of them. The strongest factor is it’s a good energy alternative. It offers two good things, versatility and capacity.

The Compressor

The device compressor operates at various levels. What’s written is not exactly the capacity per use. For the lowest setting, the capacity is used at about 25%.

Power Consumption

Although labeled a certain number, this temperature tool may have a 2.5kW nominal draw. The number written is the maximum value. For daily use with average temperature or with a particular building size, it is rarely reached. To do an accurate calculation, it needs a sample of long-time use. But, counting the maximum is enough to get covered. Knowing this calculation is important for estimating real-time energy use.

9kW Heat Pump Operation and Challenge in the Future

The load diversity determines the efficiency. This principle also applies to other electric tools. To ensure the device’s compatibility with the electricity (and anything else), get help from a professional electrician. Because more homes use electrical equipment, the electricity system has to be upgraded and maintained, especially on the network. Overload is something dreadful that can cause unpredictable incidents. It is good if the security system automatically turns off the electricity before the bad thing happens. But, if it doesn’t work, bad things can be prevented. The worst incidents related to electricity are fire and explosion. The challenge is to be careful when operating electrical devices. When a 9kW heat pump gets broken in the winter, it will be a hassle. It is important to prevent that inconvenience.

9kW heat pump gives two temperature settings to make up for convenience. They are cooling for the hot weather, and heating for the cold weather. The kilowatts written is the maximum energy but rarely happens in normal operation.

Other Sides of the 9KW Heat Pump

The commitment to provide accurate data comes across these two, cons and pros. Everyone interested in such a device should know this before getting shocked in the running.


  • Increase in the electricity bill: to turn on the device, we need electricity. Any electric addition will experience this whether they like it or not.
  • Carbon: Although it is more friendly with nature, the electricity use results in carbon residue. Carbon neutrality will never be approached unless the device is combined with solar power. To have neutral carbon totally, it has to work together with solar power sources. By doing this, there is one more benefit added, the electricity bill decrease.
  • Big work for retrofitting: Installing the device to the existing building is possible but needs significant work. Moreover, if there is no space to bury the pipes. The work will be bigger and spend more money. To avoid this, consider installing the device while designing a new building.


  • Reverse the cycle: The device is versatile and can provide both heating and cooling. This multi-functional device can help with space saving and cost saving. There is no need to have more than one device. Cool and hot weather are no problem.
  • Minimal maintenance: This doesn’t require maintenance too often unlike the heating system with combustion process. It is easy to control which makes it reach a ‘user friendly’ level. This also answers the con on the electricity bill. It has higher electricity but the homeowner can save the budget on the maintenance.
  • Last long: If the device is good (which means the owner operates the device according to the rules in the manual book) the lifespan will be 20 years. This long lifespan can be reached if the owner does regular maintenance. So, both usage and maintenance have to be done.
  • Maintain air quality: There is no combustion process or burning in this device. The operation is cleaner than that of the device with that process.

Based on the cons and pros above, calculate to decide whether the device is worth buying or not.

9kW Heat Pump That You Have To Know

R32 Heat Pump Manufacturer in China

Legom a leading smart home services provider, launched heat pumps with some leading features. The first one is the color custom. Customers are happier if they can get a device with their favorite color. With this feature, the device can also give entertainment. The next special feature is the R32 refrigerant it uses.

This kind of refrigerant has a low GWP. It means that the users contribute good deeds to nature. So many customers will be happy to get two benefits: the product benefits and good deeds to nature. Provide the 9kW heat pump with Legom.